Online Marketing

YouTube Ads: Advertising on YouTube

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4 min. read - Posted on 06/04/2022

In January 2022, 2.56 billion users use the YouTube video network every month. This makes YouTube the world’s most popular video platform – and it ranks second among the most popular social networks, just behind Facebook and even ahead of WhatsApp.

No surprise that YouTube is also extremely popular as an advertising platform. More and more companies are discovering YouTube ads for themselves. This is also evidenced by the advertising revenue generated by the video platform in recent years. While YouTube still generated 19.77 billion US dollars in advertising revenue in 2020, this number increased to 28.85 billion dollars in 2021. If you also want to advertise on YouTube, we have summed up the most important information for you here. What ad formats does YouTube offer? How do I place ads on YouTube and what advantages does YouTube advertising offer me?

Ad formats on Youtube

First of all, let’s talk about the advertising options on YouTube: YouTube offers different ad formats. Some ads are embedded in the YouTube videos, others are also displayed outside the video player on the video platform or also delivered on apps and websites of Google video partners. Essentially, a distinction is made between the following YouTube ad formats:

  • Skippable in-stream ads: These are displayed before, during or after videos. After five seconds, the user can skip the ad. There is no time limit for the video ad, but it should be shorter than three minutes.
  • Non-skippable in-stream ads are also played before, during or after the videos, but the user cannot skip them after five seconds. In-stream ads can be a maximum of 15 seconds long. The maximum duration of the ad is also the guideline here. Videos longer than this will not be accepted.
  • In-feed video ads: This is where your video is placed alongside other videos in the feed, alongside similar YouTube videos, in YouTube search results or on the YouTube Mobile homepage.
  • Bumper ads: These are also displayed in the video player before, during or after a video and cannot be skipped. The duration is limited to six seconds
  • Out-stream ads are only delivered to mobile devices outside of YouTube and are initially played without sound. The sound is only switched on when the user interacts with the ad. They are only played on websites or apps of Google video partners.
  • Masthead ads are displayed on the YouTube homepage on all devices. These ads can only be booked via a Google contact.

Place YouTube Ads: How it works

Step by step to an ad on YouTube. This is how you can place YouTube ads:

1. Create a YouTube account and a Google Ads account

To run YouTube ads, you need both a YouTube account and a Google Ads account, because you manage your YouTube ads through your Google Ads account. Both accounts must be linked to each other.

2. Upload videos & create campaign

First, however, you have to upload your promotional videos to your YouTube account (listed or unlisted), then you can place the ads via Google Ads. To do this, you need to create a new campaign in your Google Ads account and define the campaign type and the campaign target. You can choose between the following campaign goals: Sales, Leads, Website Traffic, Product and Brand Readiness to Buy, Brand Awareness, App Advertising or Campaign with no target. Then select your preferred ad format.

3. Set bid strategy & budget

Then give your campaign a name and choose a bid strategy. Now you need to set a budget. This can be done either on a daily basis or on a campaign basis.

4. When and where should your campaign be played?

In the next step, you select the delivery method. The default is that the ads are distributed evenly throughout the day. Then specify the region in which your ads should be delivered. You can now also specify whether your ad should only be displayed on certain operating systems or device models.
Then set the start and end time of your campaign. If you wish, you can also specify the time of day at which your video ads should be played.

Add a target URL to your ad and set the maximum amount you want to pay per ad delivery. This varies according to the bidding strategy, depending on the basis on which you are ultimately charged.

5. Targeting

The last section deals with targeting: Here you can define your target group. For example, by demographic characteristics, by interests, by certain keywords or only targeted at certain YouTube channels or videos. There is also the option of remarketing. Once you have done this, the campaign is ready and ready for delivery. Once the campaign has started, it is important to keep a close eye on the delivery and to make exclusions.

Successful with YouTube Ads: Tips

Running YouTube Ads successfully: How do I make my ads perform best on YouTube? With the following tips, you can create YouTube ads that really work:

  • The 5-second rule: With skippable ads, you have exactly five seconds to catch the user’s attention. In this time, the ad must captivate the user so that they are willing to watch it in its entirety and not skip it.
  • Define key figures and goals beforehand: In order to choose the right campaign type and appropriate campaign goals, it makes sense to think about KPIs and goals beforehand.
  • Use call-to-action overlays: It is possible to insert CTA overlays within YouTube advertising videos, which then link to your website, for example.
  • Use info cards: YouTube offers the option of inserting a small “i” at the top right. Here you can add further information. For example, links to products in your shop or other videos of your company.

  1. Moving images create more emotions: Videos make it easier to captivate users.
  2. High reach: With 2.56 billion users per month, YouTube is the largest video network in the world.
  3. With the right targeting, you can address your target group precisely and avoid wastage.
  4. YouTube advertising is worthwhile even with a small budget. Because you can define your target group very precisely, you can often achieve a big impact even with a small budget.

Example of a YouTube Ad

This is what your YouTube advertising could look like – here using music2me as an example:


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YouTube Ads

Why are video ads so successful?

Moving images often arouse more emotions than still ones. They often captivate the user more and awaken needs. This is why video ads on YouTube are so successful.

How do I create ads on YouTube?

YouTube ads are controlled through your Google Ads account. You need a YouTube account and a Google Ads account, both of which need to be linked. Upload your promotional video to YouTube and schedule the campaign in your Google Ads account.

What are the advantages of YouTube Ads?
  • Moving images are a particularly good way of conveying emotions.
  • With 2.56 billion users per month, YouTube has an enormously high reach.
  • Low wastage due to comprehensive targeting options.
  • If you choose a cost-per-view strategy, you only pay if someone watches or clicks on your video for at least 30 seconds.
  • YouTube ads are often worthwhile even with a small budget.

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